406 South Pearl Street New London, Wisconsin 54961 • (920) 982-8519 

New London Public Library

Friends of the Library

This is your opportunity to join a group established to promote and celebrate our library and to help increase its resources for our community.

MEMBERSHIP – How can I join?

Membership brochures and information are available at the library or can be viewed and printed here.

You can also pay your membership online. Annual memberships can be paid with a credit card or PayPal account. Automatic renewal requires a PayPal account.

Friends of the Library

Membership Types

Membership Type
Annual Dues
Annual Membership
(New or Renewal)
Automatic Renewal
Lifetime membership*
$1000 or more


* Lifetime membership benefactors will be honored with their names displayed on a Lifetime Friends of the New London Library plaque.

Support the Library

How do Friends assist the library?

  • Work at book sales and other fund raising activities
  • Manage assigned bookshelves
  • Assist in special projects

Who do I contact?

New London Public Library, 982-8519. Friends meetings will be posted at the library. Members can also be notified by email.

Thank you for your interest in the friends of the New London Library!

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